Dean's Blog

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Out of the loop but still spinning

Hey everyone. It's been a head-spinning week and I haven't had a moment to properly update my blog, but I've added a few things below that should keep you busy clicking for 15 minutes. Work has been a perfect challenge with forming the Accounting Dept. at Crossmedia. There are a lot of exciting changes ahead for me and they all will involve time and money! What else is new, right? For now, I'm on a 7 day per week work schedule with breaks to rest and enjoy a few things. My goal is to work this way for the next 3 months-solid. If you don't see the blog updated, keep checking every couple of days...I'll be doing my best to keep it going. Today is Saturday and I will be working most of the day today. See you soon!


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