Dean's Blog

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Crossmedia Update

Things at work are building nicely, steadily. My responsibility at Crossmedia is growing slowly with more and more access to the inner-workings of the company as time goes on.
As the year comes to a close it is likely that a new contract will be reached for me with some kind of formal increase in responsibilities. Fingers are crossed that we will all be on the same page! Seems like it - As it stands right now, I am still in a very steady routine each day that doesn't change too much. I'm up at 6.30, on the train by 8.30 or so, spending the busy day in Flat Iron/Chelsea, then most days I bolt to the train and make it home some time between 7- and 8. Bed comes 10-11 ish. I am still working for "The Mac Goddess" around 10 hours per month now. My schedule is full enough for me right now and i'm happy to say the time spent at work is pleasurable because of the terrific people around me. To show you what a cool company I work for... we have an upcoming meeting with the retailer "BEST BUY". We are pitching some ideas for marketing for them. My boss came up with the idea to focus on the untapped market of FEMALE electronic consumers. As an addendum to this presentation, he came up with the idea to literally go OUT on the street and talk to women of all ages about what they want. What they want , in GENERAL! I was picked to man the video camera turned on these women, and my two co-workers were the interviewers/directors. Very very interesting and WAY out of my comfort zone! holy! We walked for nearly 7 hours in some public parks, and squares, etc, finding women to speak to. Shockingly people were unbelievably revealing in their commentaries and were WILLING to speak on camera. I captured a lot of very interesting footage of women responding to our marketing-based questioning. My boss assembled the video and is making the presentation to "Best Buy" executives this Thursday. Good Luck Crossmedia! I'm regularly invited to creative meetings at Crossmedia's board room, which adds a lot of life to handling the finances for the company. Very interesting developments there -

"THE BRAINS" - My Boss, KAMRAN - always brainstorming.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

37 Days until Santa comes to Santo Domingo

It's hard for me to believe I've begun a countdown to Christmas already. It's been quite a year! Ben has sent the normal BOX of fun stuff that gets shipped to the DR already, and it is set to arrive by Christmas Day there in Santo Domingo. Momma Llella has decided to go back to Santo Domingo with Benjamin as a HUGE surprise to her family there. They have NO IDEA she is going to be on the plane with Ben. When they arrive at the airport, the family is going to be surprised that Momma Llella will spend Christmas with the family there instead of NY. It will definitely be a merrier Christmas for me with Momma Llella there in Santo Domingo with Ben and me. This is my 3rd Christmas in Santo Domingo, and I'm thrilled to be going back, with it's meaning deepening each time! Ben has made some nice new friends there in the past 8 months and they are all set to meet us and go out with us during my time there. I will return to NY just a few hours before Midnight on New Year's Eve to spend with Joaquin! I will be taking my Vonage phone system with me so I will be reachable by phone with my normal voicemail, etc.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Crazy Game -

Joaquin's Sister Lucy and her Husband Willie

Food Food Food at the Baby Shower

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Bunkers make some new friends! SWINGERS!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fixed on Fixtures

Buzz gets nuts.

Brown-Baggin' it.

When Joaquin ran out of snacks at work, with no hope (or vending machine) in sight, I took over and packed the bags myself. I hooked him up for a good 7-14 work days with the contents of these bags. Enjoy the grab and go life for a little bit Mr. Joaquin Ramos.

Lucy knew about encouraging an idea...

Maybe all of her ideas didn't work out, but boy, that MOMENT of inspiration where she hatched the was unmistakeable - she believed- and WENT for it! LOL. Got any new ideas?