Dean's Blog

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sunday was best spent inside in the a/c

But I did manage to get out a bit. Joaquin took me to breakfast/lunch at the diner where we had fun talking with all the regulars there. We then took a drive to the 9/11 memorial on top of the mountain in West Orange.(eagle rock mountain reservation). I took a few pictures...I will post later. We stopped off at Staples and J bought me a gift: an iPod cover. He was tired of seeing me without my iPod more protected. THANK YOU J. !!! We then went to the movie house in Maplewood to see "CARS".(J Treated! - what a guy - holy cow!) Some great messages in the movie...several good laughs too! - After that, it was back to the a/c in my place and a look at several videos shot from my past: including the DR trips, Edward's Birthday party with my parents in his apartment, and several videos shot in the "cabrini" era. Wow , hats off to J. who sat through nearly 4 hours of videos off and on, and never complained and watched all of it with a lot of interest. I served Turkey burgers for us, in between, and cold ice pops. Today was a great day.


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