Dean's Blog

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Red hats are coming (help!)

When we stepped outside onto the deck on the Delaware River at the Inn to have lunch, Matt and I discovered a sea of RED HATS out there waiting to be served for lunch. All you could hear was "Hi are you... Hello girls, isn't it a gorgeous day?.. Kim...that's a cute blouse...Margaret, look at the view dear..isn't it lovely?" Under the umbrellas were around 22 "ladies" wearing RED hats and Purple t-shirts. Ay yi yi... what a sight. Anyway, to top it all off the OWNER of the INN did NOT know they had booked a lunch for 22 people with seperate checks. So the Owner, also a "lady" had to get a little tough with them which was not well received. "well, that's not OUR fault that you didn't know we were coming" quipped the head red-hat. Matt and I decided to go INSIDE to get our food, as we figured we'd get served faster (and we did). We ate INSIDE and then simply spent the rest of the time sitting along the river. It was all very entertaining. And yet there was no entertainment fee!
If you'd like to see the RED HATS you can click on the video I made of a quick glimpse of them. I did not want to linger the camera on them!
Here is the link: Click HERE


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